Are You Looking for the Cause of Your Fibromyalgia?

root cause of fibromyalgia

What is the Root Cause of Fibromyalgia?

You’re not sure what’s causing your fibromyalgia, but it must be something, right? You were doing just fine before it came along, and now it’s affecting your life in ways you’d prefer not to think about, from your day-to-day life to your relationships with your family and friends.

And more than anything, you want to find out what caused you to develop fibromyalgia and find a solution that will help you get your health back quickly. Perhaps it was stress. So maybe more massage or meditation would help. Or could it be toxins? If so, you might be thinking about which detox diet would be best. Or maybe you just need a different medication to live more comfortably on your off days and to make your time at the office easier. 

If only you could find the ONE thing that makes a real difference.


Well, here’s the important news: it’s focusing on finding just one cause that often holds people with fibromyalgia back the most.

Could this be holding you back right now from experiencing the good health you deserve?

The Dangers of Focusing On One Cause

Focusing on one cause can be dangerous. Why? Well, from my experience, if you focus on finding and solving just one trigger or cause, it’s easy to miss others that could have an even greater effect on your health.

This can lead to going around in circles, prolonging the pain, and never getting well. And that’s frustrating.

It also often leads to feeling like there’s no hope, which may affect your motivation to get well for life, which could lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Up to 80% of people with fibro have problems with anxiety, and up to 64% experience depression. That’s not surprising, considering how few people know about the natural solutions that work and the nature of the illness.

I don’t want this for you! 

The Good News!

The good news is that your situation could be much less complex than you think.

The most common root causes of fibromyalgia fall into just four categories:

  1. Bugs
  2. Drugs
  3. Environmental Toxins and
  4. Stress

In my case, it was the viral infections EBV and HHV6, mycotoxins, genetic polymorphisms that were impacting my detoxification pathways, chronic stress, and physical trauma. I had also gone through various hormonal changes after having children.

Understanding these categories can be a game-changer in how you approach your fibromyalgia. It’s not about finding the one silver bullet; it’s about acknowledging that multiple factors could be at play.

Bugs: The Hidden Culprits

Viruses like Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV6), and COVID-19, as well as bacterial infections, can trigger or exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms. These stealth infections suppress your immune system, contribute to systemic inflammation, and can even contribute to autoimmune disease. Solution:** Consider getting tested for common viruses and bacteria and exploring treatments that support your immune system.

Drugs: The Double-Edged Sword

Medications can sometimes contribute to symptoms. Have you ever actually looked at the side effects of most medications? Everything you ingest has to be processed and eliminated by your body. The more medications you take, the larger the toll on your detoxification systems. **Solution:** Review your medication regimen regularly with your healthcare provider, adjusting as necessary under professional guidance.

Environmental Toxins: The Invisible Threat

Lets face it, environmental toxins are everywhere from your water, personal care products and even forever chemicals in fast food wraps. Common environmental chemicals disrupt hormones.The more chemicals and toxicants one ingests the larger the total body burden.. **Solution:** Reduce exposure to toxins, support your body’s detox pathways with a healthy diet, exercise, and appropriate supplements. The environmental working group is an excellent resource to help you identify and reduce toxins in your life.

Stress: The Silent Aggravator

Chronic stress can significantly impact fibromyalgia. Stress disrupts your hormones and digestion and puts stress on your cardiovascular system. It also takes a toll on your mental health. **Solution:** Incorporate stress-reduction techniques like yoga and meditation, and seek support from a therapist or counselor.

Moving Forward with a Holistic Approach

Adopting a holistic approach to managing fibromyalgia can lead to significant improvements. This means considering how each of these categories might be affecting you and addressing them through a combination of medical treatment, lifestyle changes, and support.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Many have found ways to live fuller, healthier lives with fibromyalgia by adopting a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach. By staying open-minded and working closely with healthcare professionals who understand the complexity of fibromyalgia, you can find a path that works for you.

And most importantly, don’t lose hope. With persistence, support, and the right strategies, it’s possible to manage your symptoms and reclaim your life.


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